"Nothing could happen without everyone feeling they had to comment. You were supposed to take a position on everything that happened, within several seconds of it happening, regardless of how little you knew of the real goings on. You were supposed to support something or hate it, and decide in an instant."

This summed up why I rarely use it now either! It's exhausting. Everyone having an opinion on everything. It's more hot air than a hot-air balloon convention.

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This really resonated, Heather. I deleted my Twitter account on New Year's Eve and have been surprised by how little I miss it. Thank you for writing. <3

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Jun 9Liked by Heather Parry

This is so well expressed, thank you for articulating so many of my thoughts!

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This is exactly how I feel and reflects countless conversations I've had with people over the past few months! Thank you for saying it more eloquently than I ever could! X

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I think a lot of us are feeling the same way!

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Jun 9Liked by Heather Parry

This is SO GOOD and puts into words so many things I have been thinking, especially about the act of posting online diffusing the drive to engage in real world activism. <3

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you've beautifully articulated so many things that have been on my mind. finding your substack has been a breath of fresh air. thank you ❣️

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thank you for being here!

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